On loan from various Dutch museums and private collections came to Delden in The Netherlands to tell the fascinating story of the lives of Japanese women during the last three centuries. Photographs, kimonos, prints, porcelain, jewellery and interviews with contemporary Japanese women address the themes of career, motherhood, sexuality, spirituality and beauty. Twickel Castle also lent 130 pieces of VOC porcelain to Museum No Hero for the VOC Japan-Netherlands exhibition. Both exhibitions can be visited until 1 September 2019.
Museum no Hero can be visited from Wednesday to Sunday between 11.00 and 17.00. The museum is open on the 1st and 2nd Easter Day, 4 and 5 May, Ascension Day and 1st and 2nd day of Pentecost 2019 from 11:00 to 17:00. Regular admission is € 12.50, youth between 13 and 18 are cheaper off, just like groups.
Source: Museum no Hero (Dutch only)