
Have something exciting to share with us? We’re all ears! Send in your music, press releases, creative ideas, information, or any questions you have in mind to moc.e1729609746nizag1729609746am-ov1729609746a@oll1729609746eh1729609746. The editor-in-chief Francisca Hagen will make sure to reply as soon as possible!

In regards to music, physical formats are still welcome (on request), but we do also appreciate links to streams and downloadable MP3s.


AVO Magazine is always looking for volunteers who want to help out by writing interesting Japan-related articles. Do you have no problem with writing interesting texts, do you enjoy creating articles, and do you have some knowledge about Japanese music and (pop) culture? Join AVO Magazine!

AVO Magazine, who?

We are an international team of people with an interest in Japan, from Japanese music to culture, to games to books to anime, manga and Japan-related events. While the focus of AVO Magazine will always be Japanese music, with the goal to promote indie music for a broader audience, we always want to publish articles here and there that are not necessarily about music. We also have been organising concerts and festivals in the past. More about the history of AVO Magazine can be read here.


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