Japanese masked production duo AmPm have released their latest track, Afterglow, in collaboration with Kimberley Chen, the Taiwan-based singer who originally hails from Australia.
The Japanese masked production duo caught the attention of many in 2017 with their soothing single Best Part of Us that featured singer-songwriter Michael Kaneko. After this debut track, they have been busy with producing new music, remixing tracks and performing all over the world. They have been collaborating with a lot of dance-music vocalists and right now they have released more than 20 tracks, including Afterglow as their latest collaboration.
In support of the promotion of their latest release, they have released a music video, which is also AmPm’s first-ever full-length animated music video. It follows a young girl enjoying fashion, makeup and going out. The animation gives a soft feel, fitting the summer vibes, going out and about while enjoying the summer breeze. Let the summer start! The animation seems to be in a loop and while it does gives an idea that you are seeing the same images over and over, it is really a day in, day out insight of someone’s life enjoying their summer love. There are also a couple of easter eggs of hidden illustrations of AmPm (the bunnies) in this video. The song and music video are definitely inviting the viewer to watch and listen to it over and over again.
Afterglow is a perfect summer song as it has caught the right atmosphere of going out on summer trips with people, while enjoying the sun and good times with each other. It also does convey a sort of sentimentality as the current ongoing situation that is the pandemic, has not given the freedom to do this.