Tokyo-based dark metal band Bloom in the Crevasse shared a live video with a full set of their performance at GARRET udagawa, a rock venue located in Shibuya.
The live video is filmed by one moving camera and consists of a performance of almost 30 minutes and 6 songs long. It gives a good idea of what the band is like live. Formed in 2019, the four-piece released their first album in the first quarter of 2020, titled Alter Ego. The album is filled with 44 minutes of continuous dissonance, dropping tempos and gimmicks. The band gets their inspiration from metalcore, nu-metal and deathcore. On Spotify, the band described themselves as the “gift flowers from the underworld that bloom in your mind”.

In July of that same year, they shared a song in the form of a music video from their third single, Backstab, which seemed to have turned some heads. The young metal band consist of vocalist Keita Miyagawa, guitarist and composer Manachi, bass player Shoma, and drummer Tamon.
Want to hear more? Bloom in the Crevasse’s music can be found on the major streaming services, such as Spotify, Apple Music and Youtube Music.