After cancelling the 2020 edition of the German convention Hanami Ludwigshafen, the organisation, Animexx eV, has been thinking of a way to sweeten the time until Hanami 2021. In the weekend that the 2020 edition would take place, 9 and 10 May, they announced a digital event under the name Hanami On Air taking place in the second weekend of June, Saturday 13 and Sunday 14. The organisation wants to present a programme to give that convention feeling on Twitch. They are working towards a colourful programme of workshops, show groups, artists and competitions and it is possible to send the organisation a message if you are interested to participate in their online event.
The 2020 edition was cancelled due to the current situation around COVID-19 and the measures taken by the German government and the local government. The organisation wrote in a message on their official website: “We hoped that the situation would calm down a bit until May, but the situation has not developed in our favour in recent days. We, therefore, have to cancel Hanami 2020 in Ludwigshafen. It makes us sad that we are forced to take this step and therefore start planning for 2021 directly.” The 2021 edition will take place on the 8th and 9th of May.
Earlier, Animexx eV, had to cancel the 2020 edition of another German convention, namely Animuc. This big convention in Bayern was planned for 17, 18 and 19 April. In that same weekend, they organised an online edition of Animuc, dubbed Streamuc, which was a great success. The 2021 edition of Animuc is planned for 9, 10 and 11 April.
All changes of Japan-related events and events where Japanese musicians are planned to perform are compiled in a list that you can find here. This list will be regularly updated.
Source: Hanami Ludwigshafen