NightRetriever is a new name in the Japanese music world, but the person behind it isn’t new. Behind NightRetriever is Yuto, who we know better as the ex-guitarist of VANIRU. On November 23rd he released his first EP of his new project, titled Symphony of the Nights.
After his departure from VANIRU, earlier in 2017, Yuto stayed active in the music world as a support guitarist in several acts as BUCKS and RIS. In the meantime, he worked on his new solo project: NightRetriever. His first live show as NightRetriever was on December 1st at Shimokitazawa Mosaic.
From the beginning to the end, Yuto has made the music for Symphony of the Nights. The concept of the EP is as Yuto put it himself: ‘Light in the dark world. It is extremely sad, but also an incredibly beautiful story.’ The concept reflects in the cover made by fellow musician RIS, it gives the idea of a crystal that shows a lot of sides. It could be seen as if each side has a different color, texture and story.
If there are people who expect find pop/rock songs enhanced with a loud and clear guitar sound of Yuto’s hand, they might get disappointed. Symphony of the Nights is filled with electronic dance music, trance, using various electronic ingenuity and a lot of bass and drum. But it does not sound as simple as it is just written down. The interplay of electronics with musical instruments goes so well hand-in-hand, that it may be difficult to hear that the tracks are melodically well put together. The atmosphere that you can pick up in the tracks would certainly be welcome at dance parties. Because the tracks are all recorded without vocals, this could be easier to listen to for everybody worldwide.
It wouldn’t surprise me if NightRetriever will collaborate with guest vocalists in the future. But if Yuto decides to release only instrumental tracks, this will certainly not be a bad choice. This has to do with the fact that the tracks are already good on their own. It remains to be seen how NightRetriever will develop, but for now, Symphony of the Nights is a very good start.
Never satisfied, always exploring. Started with AVO in 2003. Now active as a writer, reporter, reviewer, promoter, photographer, interviewer and presenter. Can be found regularly at conventions and concerts in the Netherlands and sometimes elsewhere in Europe or even in Japan. Big passion for Japan and music, can be made happy with coffee. (click on Soundcloud logo)
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