Purple Stone is a Visual Kei band formed in 2003 with the members: Keiya, GAK and FUMA. They have already released some albums and singles. About half a year ago, however, they went a different direction with their music and videos, and how!
Now they are no longer just the three of us in their videos, but they now also have background dancers! The colorful video starts with Keiya the singer, who is ready with the extras to dance between balloons. The title Poison Chocolate (ポイズンチョコレート) already tells what the song is about. There is not a lot of story in the video, but sometimes you see images of Keiya sitting in a lab with all kinds of sweets and laboratory tubes. The guitarist and bassist do not dance along with the steps because they have instruments in their hands, but they do move along with the music. The dance steps are not difficult at all and you can participate. The combination of these cards and music makes this video cute. The music is a bit softer than the previous songs but because of the guitars and bass it is certainly not too soft! The melody is catchy and the voice of the singer fits well.
The video came online on January 11, 2017 and their single comes out on February 1st. This is the second video in their new direction. In the previous video the dances and music are tougher, so who knows what they will do the next time! Dances in the Visual Kei world sometimes occur but not very often, so it’s nice to see something new in that direction. Whether the band continues this direction and whether it will be fun for the fans is still the question. Are you curious, follow the band!
Rating: 85/100