As the trio of Shonen Knife prepare for their upcoming 40th-anniversary tour through the United Kingdom, they have announced that a completely different tour, through Scandinavia, will take place in 2023. Originally the tour was scheduled to take place in early spring this year, but they have decided to move the tour to 2023.
Immediately with this announcement, the trio shared the new dates and added the message: “We are very excited to go back to Scandinavian countries. Rock!”
Shonen Knife’s Scandinavian tour will consist of 10 shows and will start on the second of March in Denmark’s Copenhagen and ends up on the 12th of March in Finland’s Helsinki, but for this, the Scandinavian fans will have to wait a year.
Formed in December 1981 in Osaka, Shonen Knife have been touring around the world several times and can be seen as the darling of all the Japanese bands who tours the world from time to time. The music this band makes can be best described as bubblegum punk which surely brings you good vibes.
The coming United Kingdom tour will start on the 13th of April and will go through the second of May, 2022. More about this tour can be found in this article.