Shonen Knife’s planned United Kingdom tour, scheduled for autumn of this year, will be postponed to 2022. The tour was announced as a celebration of the pop-punk band’s 40th anniversary and will now be a spring tour, taking place in April and May.
Shonen Knife shared a message to explain the postponement: “Due to the current uncertainty around international travel and the vaccine rollout in Japan, it is with great disappointment that we’re going to have to put the tour back to 2022”. In another message, the band shares the hope to share happy moments with the fans during the upcoming shows in the United Kingdom.
The new tour dates can be viewed below. Those who had purchased tickets for one of the shows already received a message, if not, they can contact the venue for more information.
Formed in December 1981 in Osaka, Shonen Knife have been touring around the world several times and can be seen as the darling of all the Japanese bands who tours the world from time to time. The music this band makes can be best described as bubblegum punk which surely brings you good vibes.
All changes of Japan-related events and events where Japanese musicians are planned to perform are compiled in a list that you can find here. This list will be regularly updated.