With a large music industry such as Japan has, the second largest in the world, it is inevitable that music fans will be inundated with a profusion of good (and also less good) music from this country. It is impossible to keep track of this and write a review about it per video. But to avoid missing out on gems, it is time for a weekly list of new music videos from lesser-known Japanese musical acts that are definitely worth watching.
We are now looking back on a couple of videos that were released in week 43 of the year 2021. Enjoy the new discoveries!
toybee – あほんだらいふ (AHONDA LIFE)
In August of this year, the vocalist and guitarist Daichi Tomizka and guitarist Jun Tsubamoto (ex-BOYS END SWING GIRL) decided to head down a new path together. The band started officially in September with the motto, ‘Make all your ideas come true’, and they show the right example of how to do it. Apart from making music and performing as a traditional rock band, they also make, edit, plan and direct their own videos. Therefore, the duo would also like to be called a creative entertainment group. — Recommended by Francisca
The Mash – Betty Blue
The Mash got formed in 2014, as a rock and roll band that throws their unconcealed feelings at you with a blast of sound! Recently, the four-piece has released a CD, titled One Point Five (they present it as 1.5th album) and a cassette where they have seemingly decided to present how they are still going strong after the many challenges that have come their way. Vocalist HAL describes her band as charismatic manic depressive lifelong invincible rock and roll. — Recommended by Francisca
Ilie – kamishibai
In July of this year, vocalist Rie Kaneko (ex-LADYBABY, ex-trolleattroll) started artist activities under the name of Ilie and soon after had her first performances. From the start, Ilie received quite some attention thanks to her music, videos and performances. In this music video, where jellyfish are projected on iPhones, water is a clear theme with some singing underwater. — Recommended by Francisca
アロワナレコード (Arowana Record) – 夜明け前 (Yoake mae)
Tokyo-based five-piece Arowana Records got formed somewhere in 2019. The vocals go from mellow to passionate, while the songs are about the fragility and sadness of the passing days, and therefore the loveliness, using simple words and clever descriptions of scenes. In December 2020, the band released their first CD, Big City – EP. — Recommended by Francisca
asayake no ato – 黎明 (Reimei)
Asayake no ato got formed in the spring of 2011 with Kyoto as their home base. The band inherits the lineage of emo, post-rock, and Japanese alternative music established by their predecessors. After several turbulent years, with various line-up changes, the duo, with the support of support musicians, released a new CD entitled Dawning E.P. in August this year, of which they chose to give the lead track a music video, projecting the band’s dawn of despair. — Recommended by Francisca
ガストバーナー (GAS and BURNER) – ハロウィンパーティー (Halloween Party)
They call themselves the dangerous ones, which might give an indication of what to expect from this Nagoya-based rock band. The four-piece GAS and BURNER can still be seen as brand new, as they started activities in March 2020 and released six months later their first album with seven tracks, titled Happy. And without stopping, they just continue to create catchy and sometimes chaotic tracks. — Recommended by Francisca
For the retro game lovers, the name GYIYG STRIKES BACK! will maybe say a lot, but this time we will not discuss a game but a metal band that has recently presented the very first music video with a horror aspect. The four-piece has been active for several years and presents itself as a band with a bad reputation. Recently, the band participated in a compilation album from the live venue Tachikawa Babel, titled Propaganda, with other bands that are in the loud rock and metal scene. — Recommended by Francisca
Next week we will be back for a new list of new music videos to check out. But you can also look back to the earlier editions of this weekly article series for when you yearn for more musical gems! Want to read more about how this project started or check out the YouTube playlists? Click here for all the information.