After days of posting teasers, the organization of Anime 2018, J-POP Foundation, announced the group that will perform on the Saturday evening of the convention: JAM Project. 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of AnimeCon and the organization wanted to celebrate this occassion with a special performance.
To see JAM Project live you will have to buy an additional concert ticket next to the regular Anime 2018 day or weekend ticket. More information about this will be announced soon by AnimeCon and then this article will be updated as well.
Anime 2018 will take place from 15 to 17 June in the World Forum The Hague. The theme for this year is Queens of the Round (S)Table.
It is the first time for JAM Project to perform in The Netherlands. In December the group performed at Japan Music Party in Paris with T.M.Revolution.
Source: AnimeCon