On the 8th and 9th of April, it was time for another edition of TomoCon. Like last year it was held in Berghem (Oss) again, but this time with a camping area as well for all the people that were going to stay for both days. The building itself is quite small but thanks to the nice weather you were also able to relax, enjoy the food, play on the bouncing castle, join in on the karaoke or visit the dealer tents outside. Thanks to that the crowd has been spread over a bigger area making it less crowded inside. Of course, there was a game room as well, which was packed with visitors which was no surprise at all since there was a big variety of consoles and games. Then there was also the concert of Dress Up Town, which was held once in the afternoon and once again in the early evening in case you wanted more of them!
Aside from the new camping area, there was also a night program for the first time with activities like a hentai voice over, Cards Against Humanity, and a game room full of horror games. The only thing that was missing this year was a maid cafe, the trusted Cherry Pie Maid Cafe wasn’t there and TomoCon didn’t have a replacement either. If they will be back during next years TomoCon is still a mystery for now.
Photography: Vi Young