The largest anime and Japan fair in Germany has planned their physical event in September, which normally would take place in May, but also decided to go online with DigiKomi, an online anime convention. DigiKomi will take place on 23 May and 24 May, the weekend where DoKomi was originally planned.
The organisation explains why they have chosen to create DigiKomi: “DigiKomi is our way to fight against boredom and loneliness during the lockdown and restrictions! We have mobilised all forces to deliver at least some convention atmosphere and to make up for the postponement of DoKomi 2020!”
A big part of the online anime convention will take place on Twitch and during this weekend you will be able to enjoy live concerts, interactive workshops, but also a Gaming News Show, Otaku EXPOSED and Cosplay contest. The musicians that have been confirmed are Desi, Shiroku, HaruKiss and Saleia & Julia Koep. The complete schedule of the online convention can be found here.
DigiKomi will not only take place on Twitch, but the organisation also has built up the online convention on several other platforms, such as VRChat, where you can stroll around on Creamy Island, Discord for a chat with the maids and hosts of Lucky Chocolate Maid Café and the Sweet Spice Host Club among other things, Twitter, and Instagram. More information about DigiKomi and ‘How to DigiKomi’ can be found on their official website.
Source: DoKomi