This is not a sponsored review and because of this I won’t mention where I bought this set, if you do an online search using the name of this kit you’ll be able to find this one in several webshops.
Heart – Shin-chan Puri Puri Caramel Butt Cake – Simple
Price: ± €5
Extra supplies: Milk, Cooking Oil, Cocktail Pick or Skewer, Scissors, Spoon, Pastry Brush, Microwave, Bowl or Cup
With this kit you create two little cakes, one shaped like a butt and one shaped like Shin-chan’s head. You can decorate these with a caramel sauce that is also included in the kit. There are two versions of this kit, both include a butt mould and a Shin-chan mould, but Shin-chan’s expression differs per version.
Flavour: ♥♥
The cake is pretty fluffy and has a vanilla flavour to it, it isn’t super tasty but it is nice. Especially when combined with the caramel sauce. It reminded me a little bit of sponge cake, because of the texture.
The caramel sauce on its own is very sweet, but combined with the cake the amount of sweetness in the sauce is just right.
Time needed: ⧗
As all you do is mix, bake and decorate a little, this is not a kit that takes up a lot of time. I think decorating took the longest.
Difficulty level: ★★
This kit has very simple steps. The only hard part is decorating with the caramel sauce, which takes a little bit of precision and patience, but even then it doesn’t exactly turn out the way you’d like. Or at least that was what happened in my case.
Similarity: ?
As you can see the end result is similar to the picture on the box, but not entirely the same. The cake layers do look like separate layers and not one piece like it does on the box, the texture of the cake is a little different and the caramel lines don’t turn out as smooth or precise as on the packaging.
TIP: If the caramel doesn’t go where you want it to go; use the skewer or cocktail pick to guide it in the right direction.
Want to enjoy these kits again?
Clean the mould with warm water and soap, after using it, and let it air dry.
If you want to reuse the mould you could fill it with some cake batter and use it in the microwave. Or you could use it to shape fondant for instance.