Before the end of 2017, singer-songwriter REM decided to change her name to KITANO REM before her 20th year of life was over. Since then she has put out three music videos online under her new name, including tomorrow (n)ever knows. This song was originally released in 2016 on a single in a band version.
The song in the newest music video was filmed while KITANO REM performed the song for a couple of people during a picnic near the water. KITANO REM sits on a stairway and starts playing on her guitar. The atmosphere around KITANO REM in this video creates serenity, while you can hear the ambient sounds of children playing, the trains running and the wind. The video has a simple set-up and because the focus is not set on KITANO REM, you get a better picture where the musician is playing her music. This all combined makes the video pure and unforced.
The singer-songwriter says about herself that she makes weak and strong songs, but with great certainty, it can be said that her voice is her strongest point. In the music video of the song tomorrow (n)ever knows she shows that without electronic amplification, such as a microphone, she can perform her powerful and impressive vocals, armed with her acoustic guitar.
The most songs that got released by KITANO REM can be found on Soundcloud as well, you can listen to it for free.
Rating: 75/100